
Do You Need A Windscreen And A Pop Filter

Author: Brett Clur | Updated: | This post may comprise affiliate links.

Pop filters and windscreens are two terms that often go dislocated for each other when it comes to microphones. Some people will say they're the same affair and practice the same job. However, that'due south non entirely true. There are some singled-out differences betwixt the two.

So, which one is better for you and your situation? Allow's observe out.

Pop Filter

A pop filter is the typical thing that you'd imagine a vocalizer would utilize when recording in a studio. It's that circular matter that goes in front of the mic. Not all pop filters await exactly the aforementioned, but the idea stays the same between every design.

The pop filter gets placed in betwixt the mic and the person singing or talking and it's meant to cutting downwardly on any harsh and forceful sounds. These sounds generally come up from Ps and anytime the person says something too loudly.

Popular filters are ordinarily used by singers, podcasters, and streamers. They're especially popular with streamers every bit they often get overexcited and shout. The pop filter helps cut downward on any potential distortion coming from the microphone.

They're typically constructed from some woven nylon that is stretched to cover the area in front of the microphone. Some pop filters are bigger than others and are good for multiple voices coming at one mic.

Another great utilize of the popular filter is that it prevents saliva from reaching the microphone. With people singing or talking in mics often, saliva can build up and cause some harm over fourth dimension. The popular filter is a nifty protective measure.

Foam Windscreen

Although foam windscreens provide some like benefits to pop filters, the biggest difference is that they're intended to eliminate the sound of the wind. They're mostly designed to be used in outside situations.

Foam windscreens look like little sleeves that embrace the tips of microphones. Think of them equally little protective hats. They don't demand to exist used all the time, only you may find the wind audio in the mic a piddling also aggressive. The foam windscreen is a great solution to that.

As the name suggests, most windscreens are made from cream. Many microphones actually include some for windscreens when you buy them, especially pencil condensers.

1 modest benefit of cream windscreens is that they provide an actress layer of protection for the tip of the microphone. Microphones tend to have a fleck more weight in the area where they selection upwards audio, meaning that's the side that will hit the ground first. The cream windscreen will salve yous from a potential scratch or dent.

They also foreclose a few popping sounds, but not equally much as a pop filter would. The just solid reason to utilize a foam windscreen would be if y'all're using microphones outside where there is current of air.


As said previously, many mics already include foam windscreens when you lot purchase them. All the same, y'all won't need to spend as well much money on some extra ones. After all, they're just small pieces of foam that are molded to fit microphones.

Pop filters on the other hand tin can fix you back a lot more. Some pop filters are expertly crafted to give you a professional studio experience, pregnant they're going to cost a fair bit. They're well worth the investment if you're going to utilise them frequently, though!

You could become abroad with getting a cheaper pop filter if you don't demand the pro studio feel. It would arguably exist meliorate to invest in college-quality microphones.

Tin can You lot Become Without Them?

If you lot're not planning on using your mics outside, y'all could definitely become without a foam windscreen. There'due south no point in using one if there'due south no wind to block out.

If yous find yourself needing to make a DIY foam windscreen, some people argue that using a sock over the mic works the aforementioned. You lot'd need to try that and decide on the verdict.

Pop filters, on the other manus, are necessary things to accept in studio environments. The only time you lot're non going to need a popular filter is if you lot have someone with an expertly trained voice that knows how to command the forcefulness of their words.

Most people can't do that, so a popular filter will only make life easier for everyone.


By now, you lot've probably realized that 1 is non meliorate than the other. Both pop filters and cream windscreens have their own uses and places in recording environments. Pop filters are for popping words and windscreens are to fend off wind noise.

If you lot're someone who uses microphones in whatsoever capacity, it would be very beneficial to accept both things at your disposal. They're fantastic accessories to add to your microphone locker.

Save upwardly some greenbacks and invest in a adept pop filter along with some cream windscreens. Just make sure that they fit the mics you have.

Do You Need A Windscreen And A Pop Filter,


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